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Dog Bites Attorney in Fort Worth, Texas

Dog bites can cause various injuries, ranging from minor scratches to severe lacerations, nerve damage, and infections. In some cases, victims may require extensive medical treatment, including surgery and rehabilitation. Besides physical injuries, dog bites can also lead to emotional trauma, such as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

In many jurisdictions, dog owners can be held liable for the injuries their pets cause, especially if the dog has a history of aggressive behavior. It is important to document the incident thoroughly, including obtaining witness statements and medical records. Prompt legal action can help victims receive the compensation they need for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.  

If you're thinking of taking legal action over a dog bite, we at The Haslam Firm are here to guide you. Read on to learn how to protect your rights and the steps you should take following a dog bite incident.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog in Fort Worth, Dallas, or Houston, reach out to The Haslam Firm in Texas for a free consultation. 

What to Do After a Dog Bite 

Taking these steps immediately after a dog bite incident can protect your health and legal rights and support your compensation claim: 

Seek medical attention. 

See a healthcare provider for your injuries, even if they seem minor. Prompt medical care can help prevent infections and other complications. It also helps document your injuries, which is crucial for a successful legal case. 

Report the incident. 

Contact local animal control or law enforcement to report the dog bite. This creates an official record of the incident, which can serve as evidence for your case. Animal control may quarantine the dog and ensure it does not pose a threat to others. 

Gather evidence. 

Take photos of your injuries and of the location where the incident occurred. Also, obtain contact information from the dog's owner and any witnesses to the attack. This evidence can support your case and prove the dog's ownership. 

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Contact a lawyer. 

Reach out to an attorney experienced in dog bite claims as soon as possible. They can provide you with the guidance and legal support you need to pursue a dog bite claim and secure the compensation you deserve. 

Avoid further contact with the dog. 

For your safety, avoid interacting with the dog, especially if it has shown aggressive behavior. Instead, let animal control authorities handle the situation. 

Document your medical treatment. 

Keep detailed records of all medical treatments, prescriptions, and therapies related to the dog bite. This documentation can prove the extent of your injuries and the costs involved in your recovery. 

Monitor your health. 

Watch for signs of infection or other complications in the days and weeks following the bite. If any new symptoms or health issues arise, seek immediate medical attention, and inform your premises liability attorney, as these could impact your claim. 

Dog Bite Laws in Texas 

In Texas, dog owners are liable for injuries caused by their dogs under certain circumstances. The state follows a "one-bite rule," which means that a dog owner may be held responsible if they knew or should have known that their dog had aggressive tendencies or a history of biting. Here are some key points to consider: 

  • Negligence: If a dog owner fails to exercise reasonable care to prevent their dog from causing harm, they are liable for any injuries. This includes situations where the owner did not properly restrain the dog or allowed it to roam freely. 

  • Strict liability: In some cases, Texas law may impose strict liability on dog owners for bites that occur in specific situations, such as when the dog is classified as dangerous or if the bite occurred while the victim was lawfully on the owner's property. 

  • Provocation: If the victim provoked the dog, the owner's liability might be reduced or eliminated. Provocation can include actions like teasing, hitting, or otherwise aggravating the dog. 

  • Leash laws and ordinances: Local Texas municipalities may have specific leash laws and ordinances that require dog owners to keep their pets on a leash or confined within their property. Violating these regulations can strengthen a victim's claim because the owner did not comply with local animal control laws. 

  • Animal control reports: If a dog has been reported to animal control for aggressive behavior in the past, this can be used to show the owner was aware of their dog's dangerous tendencies. Previous reports can significantly impact the outcome of a dog bite claim. 

Dog Bite Attorney in Fort Worth, Texas

At The Haslam Firm, we pride ourselves on offering clear and trustworthy counsel throughout the legal process. With over 25 years of experience, we have helped many clients achieve justice. Your recovery is our top priority. When you partner with us, we are relentless in our pursuit of justice and will fight tirelessly on your behalf.